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Melting Marshmellow Moment Bath Melt

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Saved by Schuette
on August 19, 2008 at 5:30:43 pm

Melting Marshmellow Moments Image Pink Candy--same scent as Candy Fluff powder



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£2.60 100gs


Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Laureth 4, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Water (Aqua), Chamomile Powder (Anthemis nobilis), Marshmallow Powder (Althaea officinalis), Marigold Powder (Tagetes erecta), Synthetic Musk, Benzyl Benzoate, Perfume, Colour 18050.


Lush.a.Lot's Review: This smells wonderful. It's similar to Creamy Candy but it takes out some of the strong sweet smell and introduces a fruity melony scent. The combination of these scents is so yummy to my nose. What a great girlie bath melt. It looks like a pink Floating Island and so the does the foam.


LT 2006 Description: Imagine for one moment melting into a pink, fluffy bed of marshmallow – mmm. The ultimate pink, candy bathing experience for all of you sweet-toothed pink ladies. With mega moisurising cocoa butter – lay back and melt away!

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