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Luverly Ballistic

Page history last edited by lushalot 9 years, 7 months ago


(DC'ed 2000) (light, fresh, sweet floral)







Lush.a.Lot's Review: Most of the points this ballistic gets is for the appearance. It's in the shape of a pink flower, with 5 or 6 petals. Big with Lush made this in tribute of Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. When you smell the pretty ballistic it has the smell of ylang ylang, jasmine, and gardenia but it's not strong enough in the water. It makes the water a nice color of pink.


Ingredients: 130g £1.60 bicarb, citric acid, perfume, ylang ylang oil, jasmine. absolute, helichrysum flower, gardenia extract, colour 10850


Lush Times Spring 2000 UK description: Oh wouldn't it be Luverly! Yes it would. And here it is. Flower power for your bath. Bouquets of beautiful blooms. There's jasmine, ylang ylang and a secret one too. We've been around the world (just about) to bring you fun flora for your floats. Not only does this make your bath smell like the Chelsea Flower Show, but the combination of essential oils should make you relax, feel joyful, calm your nerves, warm your emotions and generally make you feel pretty good with the world. It's like floating through a cloud of petals -- hmmmmmmmm! So when you want peace, calm and a bit of a chill out -- this is what you should have in your bath.


Notes: See also "Fallen Petals"

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